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Get Rid of Carpet Dust

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Get Rid of Carpet Dust

Get Rid of Carpet Dust | Van Nuys Carpet Cleaning CA

Household dust is unavoidable. It comes from clothes and other fabrics and it comes from carpets as well. The bad news is that dust won't go away if you just open the window. In fact, it is everywhere. Ventilating the house well is great, but it won't solve the problem with dust, especially since it is born by other particles transferred in the house by us. Lack of regular carpet cleaning makes things worse. Dust, dirt and mites find the perfect shelter among fibers. If stains are not taken care of properly and immediately, they will give room for even more harmful particles and, thus, problems.

The main problem with so many microorganisms living in our carpets is that they have a negative effect on our own health. Do you lately feel unpleasant at home? Do you have a hard time breathing? Don't forget that many rooms are also loaded with other stuff as well. Toys, clothes, books and dirty shoes will all make the atmosphere stuffier. The solution lies on a combination of things and good house carpet cleaning is at the top of the list.

It takes regular carpet cleaning

The results will be better if you make it a habit to take the shoes off before you enter the house, dust books occasionally, clean the whole house regularly and don't leave clothes hanging here and there. Your intention is to minimize dust and keep in mind that dust along with all other bacteria and tiny unseen organisms end up in your carpets and then back in the air and into your lungs. You must keep opening the windows every day and must vacuum well the carpets at least twice a week. It's critical to pay attention to the cleaning requirements of each carpet and Persian rugs depending on their fibers and materials used for their production.

It's also crucial to take a closer look at problems and clean carpets more thoroughly at least once a year. Although stain removal must be done instantly, check all areas and all corners especially in hidden places under furniture. You can also check for mildew and damp carpet areas and it's prudent to carry your Oriental rugs to the patio in order to air them right. If you also beat them, hidden particles among fibers will also be removed. Rug and carpet maintenance once a year is necessary for dust elimination.


Have any questions about having your carpets cleaned? Need more information? Leave your contact information below and one of our experts will get back to you shortly.


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Feb 9, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
12:00PM - 14:00PM
14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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